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Resource Centre: First Nations

Ancient Indigenous Australia

Click here for the Interactive map of Indigenous Australia


The AIATSIS Map of Indigenous Australia - A3 (Small) / Flat

Welcome / Acknowledgement of Country


Explore the story of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australia in all its diversity.

AIATSIS - Evaluating indigenous education resources

The purpose of the AIATSIS Guide to evaluating and selecting education resources is to assist educators to critically self-reflect on their positionality and support them to work from a foundation of integrity. In doing so, teachers can ensure curriculum resources selected for teaching do not cause harm to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, but rather foster trust and build a sense of pride for all.

Indigenous Australians today

A place for Aboriginal Culture, Country & Community.

The local community - Wuddawurrung

Victorian Collections

Victorian Collections is a digital archive where you can search thousands of items held by galleries, museums, libraries, archives, historical societies and cultural collections across the state of Victoria, Australia.

Ask Aunty


Reconciliation Australia

Sorry Day

Every year on 26 May, National Sorry Day acknowledges the mistreatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who were forcibly removed from their families and communities, which we now know as ‘The Stolen Generations’.

The Apology

Apology to Australia's Indigenous Peoples

The Apology - presented by Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd (click on the image for a full-page version)

The Uluru Statement from the Heart

Uluru Statement from the Heart with text, signatures and artwork

'A Voice to Parliament will give Indigenous communities a route to help inform policy and legal decisions that impact their lives. Giving people a say will lead to more effective results.'

(click on the image for a full-page version)

VAHC UNDRIP Poster green

The United National Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples - Supporting the survival, dignity and wellbeing of Our People

Uluru Statement from the Heart - transcript accompanied by Midnight Oil